ComDispatch Advertising Network

Something a little bit different

The ComDispatch Advertising network provides agencies, advertisers and client's exclusive access to a targeted, corporate network - unseen in the online advertising arena before.  The Network is developed on scalable, secure and reliable backbone of software and hardware, guaranteed to grow with your business needs.

The ComDispatch Advertising Network provides a mean for clients and advertisers alike to purchase, and sell digital advertising space.  Clients can choose to join the ComDispatch Advertising network while joining an industry-leading, targeted market place, from where Ads can be placed. 
Client's advertising space is purchased through ComDispatch and is based on flat-rate cost rather than a more traditional impression-by-impression method.  As the ComDispatch Network is specialised and targeted for its members, and by its members, we believe that the ComDispatch Advertising network is the most profitable and efficient way to utilise your monthly advertising spend.

Take control of your advertising revenue

Coupled with the ComDispatch Ad Server, clients can take control of additional advertising revenue by controlling individual ads placements and boosting traffic though a number of ways, these could include:
  • Offering multiple Ad placements for popular locations
  • Setting premium costs for exclusive or limited Ads placements
  • Offering cutting edge Ad formats such as Rich Video, Leader Boards and Flash Banners
  • Control costs on non-premium locations through monitoring and reporting
  • Increase advertising placement costs through demonstrating their effectiveness based on published reports
  • Customising the Advertising Network Profile to allow more flexibility in types of Ads allowable on a nominated website

The ComDispatch Advertising Network  is the most powerful new business revenue generator of its kind in Australia if not the world. In addition the ComDispatch Advertising Network can be seamlessly integrated with ComDispatch EDM, ComDispatch CMS , ComDispatch CRM , ComDispatch SMS ComDispatch CCMS, & ComDispatch Ad Sever

Interested in knowing more? Contact the ComDispatch Office

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