The ComDispatch Email Direct Marketing system (EDM) is a direct mail, marketing & communication E-newsletter tool. It has been developed to synchronise a business's core Marketing & Communication needs through a concise and easy to use interface.
The ComDispatch Difference
The ComDispatch EDM application is unique in the industry for a couple or reasons. When an E-newsletter is sent using our system each Email template has been set to force the applied styles when landing into a recipient's inbox. Put simply, what you see is what they will receive. The E-newsletter will be receive in the inbox without the need to Right Click' to download the images. ComDispatch sees this functionality as a very unique value proposition and is designed to be much more user friendly and advanced than many other inferior products out in the market.
Advantages of ComDispatch EDM
The ComDispatch EDM system has a number of useful features which will assist in creating concise, powerful and trouble free campaigns, including:
The ComDispatch EDM is a fundamental building block in the ComDispatch suite of products and can be seamlessly integrated with ComDispatch CMS , ComDispatch CRM and ComDispatch SMS .
Interested in knowing more? Contact the ComDispatch Office